i've been taggedName one person who made you smile last night.My FRiends daT wERe wiF Me ! =DWhat were you doing at 8:00 this morning?SLeEPinG ! =X
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?EAT =X
What was something that happened to you in 2006?ntg MuChhh .. juST daT i wenT gentinG wiF My FweNs ^^
What is the last thing you said aloud?I HaTe YoU MaYbE=X
`How many different things did you drink today?oni MiLo , WaTeR , YaKuLt, CoKe =X
What color is your hairbrush?sKy BLue !
What was the last thing you paid for?ERM ... MamEe`
Where have you been last night?AT hoMe ` =D 2 tiReD
What color is your front door?BRowN ?
Where do you keep your change?PursE ?
What was the weather like today?CLouDy ? CoLd !
What is the best ice cream flavor?ChOcOlAtE ! yUMs
What is something you are excited about?to SEe My FaV FwEnS.. EvErYoNe aGAin ! ArGGhhh !
Do you want to cut your hair?noT noW ..
Are you over the age of 25?NonO `
Do you talk a lot?KiNda weN i gOt LotS of ThingS 2 tok aBT =X
Do you watch The O.C.?nOPee =x
Do you know anyone named Steven?yUp.
Do you make up your own words?suMtiMEs Loo
Are you typically a jealous person?nOP .. suMtimES i cuD be ` iT dePenDS
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A”Ah RaY`
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K”KeNtOn ChUa !
Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?RaYrAy ~~
What did the last text message you received say?NtG
Do you chew on your straws?sUMtiMes oni
Where is the next place you’re going?Mayb JaSoN'S hsE ?
Who is the rudest person in your life?DuN haV i think ``
What is the last thing you ate?McD``
Is marriage in your future?dePend
What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks?canT reCaLL buT ytD i waTch STOrM tHe yaRD ! cooL
Is there anyone you like right now?YuP
``When was the last time you did the dishes, be honest!Hmmm .. JuSt...
Are you currently depressed?pasT FeW Days yeS .
Did you cry today?noP . i dowAN 2 Cry ...
Why did you answer and post this survey?BeCausE JoJoTaGgeD Me .
Tag 5 people who would do this survey.JoJoSAi KhonGWAyNegeRaLdiNeViNnie !
Friday, April 13, 2007
8 ApRiL 2007
ErM i ReAcH DeRe bouT 12 SumThIng LikE dat..
DeN I cAlL Jo..sAy WaN meeT uP WiTh hEr 1sT...
DeN i So LucKy.. I sAw HeR wHiLe WalKinG..
DeN She SaY SHe WAn To BuY ShoE..
deN i FolO hEr Lo..WiTh HeR pAreNtS..
DeN Go De ShOpIe .. No sIzE.. Sad cAsE..
DeN JoJo hP No CreDiT..FoLo Her Go Buy..
DeN Go Up CaRi mUa Bf lO..
AftEr dAt We SaW HiM lIao.. DeN Go BuY mOvIe TiCkEt..
DeN JoJo FeEl LikE ShE sO LeFt AloNe Cos mE nO cAre HeR..
LeT hEr B lAmPoSt!!! HahA..DeN..We FiNisH Buy TiCkEt D ...
BeN CaMe.. HaHa We cHaT ... DeN We Say Go mAkAn LO..
I SugGeSteD EaT sUsHi KinG de..
BuT eNd Up I DiDnT Eat AnyThiNg..
HahA..EaT UnTiL 2 Go WaTcH mOvIe Le..
DeN FiNiSh MoViE D We Go JaLaN LoRh..
DeN Me N mUa Bf NiD Go Bak At 4 We lEfT bEn N Jo ToGetHa..
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
TuEsDaY 3.04.2007
ToDaY So TiReD SiA..
nOw FrEnStEr CoMpEtItIoN Le..
So StReSs AsKiNg ppL VoTe..
I ThInK I WiL LoSe FoR LovEpInKfAn ClUb..
ArGh VoTe FoR Me pPl ThX..
ThIs Is My DeAr NoW Lu.. CoMeNt LE..
MiNd To VoTe Me At http://www.friendster.com/40258084 As CawAii AnGeL ThRoUgH CoMeNt Or TeStI.. ThX!! pLs. http://www.friendster.com/lovepink2 As LoVe PiNk FaNs Oo..TeStI N PiC ComEnT.. ThX!!
ToDaY So TiReD SiA..
nOw FrEnStEr CoMpEtItIoN Le..
So StReSs AsKiNg ppL VoTe..
I ThInK I WiL LoSe FoR LovEpInKfAn ClUb..
ArGh VoTe FoR Me pPl ThX..
ThIs Is My DeAr NoW Lu.. CoMeNt LE..
MiNd To VoTe Me At http://www.friendster.com/40258084 As CawAii AnGeL ThRoUgH CoMeNt Or TeStI.. ThX!! pLs. http://www.friendster.com/lovepink2 As LoVe PiNk FaNs Oo..TeStI N PiC ComEnT.. ThX!!
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