i've been taggedName one person who made you smile last night.My FRiends daT wERe wiF Me ! =DWhat were you doing at 8:00 this morning?SLeEPinG ! =X
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?EAT =X
What was something that happened to you in 2006?ntg MuChhh .. juST daT i wenT gentinG wiF My FweNs ^^
What is the last thing you said aloud?I HaTe YoU MaYbE=X
`How many different things did you drink today?oni MiLo , WaTeR , YaKuLt, CoKe =X
What color is your hairbrush?sKy BLue !
What was the last thing you paid for?ERM ... MamEe`
Where have you been last night?AT hoMe ` =D 2 tiReD
What color is your front door?BRowN ?
Where do you keep your change?PursE ?
What was the weather like today?CLouDy ? CoLd !
What is the best ice cream flavor?ChOcOlAtE ! yUMs
What is something you are excited about?to SEe My FaV FwEnS.. EvErYoNe aGAin ! ArGGhhh !
Do you want to cut your hair?noT noW ..
Are you over the age of 25?NonO `
Do you talk a lot?KiNda weN i gOt LotS of ThingS 2 tok aBT =X
Do you watch The O.C.?nOPee =x
Do you know anyone named Steven?yUp.
Do you make up your own words?suMtiMEs Loo
Are you typically a jealous person?nOP .. suMtimES i cuD be ` iT dePenDS
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “A”Ah RaY`
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter “K”KeNtOn ChUa !
Who’s the 1st person on your received calls list?RaYrAy ~~
What did the last text message you received say?NtG
Do you chew on your straws?sUMtiMes oni
Where is the next place you’re going?Mayb JaSoN'S hsE ?
Who is the rudest person in your life?DuN haV i think ``
What is the last thing you ate?McD``
Is marriage in your future?dePend
What is the best movie you’ve seen in the past two weeks?canT reCaLL buT ytD i waTch STOrM tHe yaRD ! cooL
Is there anyone you like right now?YuP
``When was the last time you did the dishes, be honest!Hmmm .. JuSt...
Are you currently depressed?pasT FeW Days yeS .
Did you cry today?noP . i dowAN 2 Cry ...
Why did you answer and post this survey?BeCausE JoJoTaGgeD Me .
Tag 5 people who would do this survey.JoJoSAi KhonGWAyNegeRaLdiNeViNnie !
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