hello..so yeahhh today is icc day ahha.. cant wait to b dere.. so i woke up around 7 sumthing ind a morning.. went to my frens hse fatin..cos she also going icc.. yeahh time pass super fast... already 10 somethihng going 11 jor .. so i n fatin suppose to meet up with atirah , sarmina n dier siblings.. so yeahh.. we went to da tmn paramount.. fr0m dere sit lrt go masjid jamid... suddenly.. in da lrt duno stop at 1 station saw GOR... so 'ngam' hahha like dat also can meet..den reach masjid jamid le.. sit STAR to SENTUL.... yeahh den get down fr0m sentul walk abit go to da HGH convention center jor. kekekeke . den i saw jo n jan d.. so went up n find dem.. den waiting for g0r come to pass us da ticket cos he so SLOW !!! =X hahhahha...den suddenly we saw yewwing... but i didnt bother lo0king bakk.. for some reasons he said hi to jo n jan.. so yeah WTV !!!!!den after dat at last waitwait wait GOR CAME d !! hahhha..he pass us da ticket n he left den jo say wan line up d n0t den ok loh want to line up gehh but da LINE SO LONG... we cut line ahhaha stand wib gor.. hahha THX GOR !!! den go in le.. sit down .. erm gor's row was infr0nt of us.. with wayne , wai jack richmond.. n our row was donovan , jo , jan me , carmen , kai , shaun.. n duno hu.. hehehe
den ltr wayne dey all wan go sitt all da way ind a fr0nt some more... but gor stayed with us hahha.. so yeahh... as usuall loh c performance.. yeahh shouted n all..yewwing perform as well in dangerous disasters.. hahha
deir performance was nice.. hahha n in da end dey won also ... is was fun.. den i meet up with my fren n go home le by lrt.. it was raining... my whole body WETT !!!! like crap hahha..den after dat i reach at fatin hse le my parents came pick me up.. we went atria to eat da nyonya restoran.. yeahh i was stil WET and COLD.. but nvmm... thank god didnt get sick.. heheh yeah my sis BELANJA makan dat ntie.. hahha thx sis !!!yeah so went home take bath.. n sleep.. didnt manage to on9 cos superb tired.. dats all..
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