Wednesday, April 29, 2009


OneUtama (:
Edward Chan & Mummy :D

yeah we went window shopping at first , then topman he tried the vest
didn't buy . lols and so he was looking for jeans .
brought him to KITSCHEN (: then tried afew and finally bought one :D
Lols . Then he saw this shades which was so awesome , he bought it as well .
Before that went to F.O.S i bought him boxers . He asked me to choose .
and i dont know which one . so yeah finnally we did made our decision on one
that's all for the day (: short update
see yahs :D

magazine pictures (:

today i brought cam to school , cause had to take pictures for school magazine
lazy to write about it , let the pictures do the talking :D

this JoLeen say i update blog , bo update about her .
now got your pictures edi WOMEN :D
happy ? lols . later i do one more post for you laah .
SPECIAL one okay ? hahaha xD

xoxo cheryl

i'll be hurt definately , but time will heal me

dear readers sorry haven been updating much . been busy lately so yeah .
nothing much happen . just normal stuff .

everyday passes by ,
i dont know what to think anymore
it's becoming more coplicated
day by day ,
is this how it is suppose to be ?
i never knew how hard this could be
seeing you is more thn enough
but things seem to have changed
the way you talk
the way you texted
everything is no longer the same
last time you ever called me with sweet names
was right after my operation .
friends are telling me
how could i possibly put up with this kind of situation
i know it's hard but i made a promise to myself
that i'll wait , till the day you tell me
you have no feelings and no hope .
maybe that's when i should let go .
you're just an ordinary guy .
yes i know that but ,
i love the way you are
i like the way you care
i miss the moments we had
you're sweet and kindness are much memorable memories
it will never fade because you're in my heart
i need to know whether do you or do you not ?
don't keep me hanging ,
as you know how much i love you
and how much i would sacrifice for you .
just tell me truth ,better then covering it up
i'll be hurt definately , but time past i'll heal slowly
time by time ,
it's always better to know early then late .
i think i can bare with the truth now
let me know , dont hide it anymore .
i'll miss you dearly , sure i will .
but what more i can do if we're just not meant to be .
you've changed me and teach me to be a better person
thanks alot . very much .
all i can say for now is .
iloveyousodamnfckingmuch eczh .

let me know the truth .

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Confession Of A Shopaholic (:

okay , and so yesterday is raptai sukan . and yes me and jo ponteng-ed school ytd .
planned to go MV with meng , and lihoe . so yeah we did . firstly i took a taxi to jo hse ,
which caused me RM30 !!! effing exp , but nvm lahs . so yeah
went to her place around2 plus reach there also 3 plus already .
reached her hse her dad suppose to fetch us but then he got work
so ngam the sister came back that time so she said she will fetch us go .
jo's cousin suppose to join us last minute can't , after that off we left to MV .
reach there about 4 already had MCD for lunch cause we were rushing time
cause our movie was at 4.30 . waited for meng and lihoe to come ,
then we went in the cinema . we watch Confession Of A Shopaholic !!
ohmygod the show was funny man . lols . so yeah .
finished movie about 6 something ngam ngam my mum reached .
so had to find my way out where my mum was waiting for me .
thanks to meng and lihoe i got out . so yeah joleen followed her sister cause she wanted go
pasar malam as what her sister said . lols . then off i went to eat at tmn tun .
then headed to DU where my tuition is . had tuition from 8.30 to 10pm .
got home was dead tired . talked to boyf on the phone for 1 hour plus i guess then off to bed (:

Pictures will be uploaded soon (:

xoxo cheryl (:

`2months` (:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

`oneutama to AsiaCafe (:`

sorry for the late updates peep . okay , i shall start i think last week saturday.
after tuition went to ou , mum said wanted to get some stuff , and i wanted to see my friend julie as well . so off we went to ou . met julie up at her shop then we went to jalan jalan awhile cause i wanted to get maple cash (: so yeah basically we just chatt the whole time , went back to her hsop that time we camwhored a little . i am so gonna get the MCKY shoe ! rm159 (: ohmygod i love it , it is so cute hahaha . lols yeah , then after the headed home around evening like that . then mum said wanted to go puchong to find gabriel
cause thought he was working tht night . so we asked boyf , he said why dont we go for
dinner and all , so my mum said okay loh . told boyf to get ready by 7 like that .then we get ready
went to his place i sort of knew gabriel was already at his hse , so yeah i guessed right
so me and my mum went upstairs gabriel was taking his shower and all .
when his done and all we were thinking of where to , later on gabriel suggested
Asia Cafe (: so off we went to the destination . hmm , mum told gabriel to drive cause he knows
the road so it would be easier . so yeah sat down ordered drinks and all me and boyf
went to order spaggetti , i forgot what he ordered but i knew mine was bolonese . yeah then it was gabriel's turn to ordered he went and order pineapple fried rice . like he always does , like what he said . then my mum ordered cha kue teow . after eating we sit and chit chat awhile then
gabriel got a call from his good budyy sean ! they said they were there too at the pool area .
so we went upstairs second floor , gabe and boyf played pool while me and my mum watched them played , soon sean and his friend desmond came . so yeah played till around
10 something i think , then we ciao-ed sean and desmond was still there . then gabe took the wheel again cause have to drop him back at the kopitiam he worked . so yeah mummy wanted to use the washroom so yeah . only left me and gabe in the car since carol was there .
i went down also laa to said hi . she hugged me and asked how am i . cause i just came out from hospital mah . then chat with her for awhile and all . after tht mum came out say have to go already . then okayy loh said bye to everyone and we left . so now guess who's driving ???
LOLS . hmmm "Edward Chan Zhi Hoe" the boyf , unbelievable right ? lols .
so yeah mum sat at the back i sat infront , drive till boyf's place thn he got down and said bye mum took back the wheel . off we headed home was so tired . then boyf called me at night around 1 something and talked till 2 i think then yeah i had to go to bed cause
had to wake up very early the next morning , cause have to go "cheng beng" .
so yeah i think that's about it .
here are some pictures taken (:


the boyf (:
GabrielChan (:

pictures from hospital (:

this cereal is actually okay lah , but they use hot milk so it tasted suck !

this is the lunch lemon chicken , ohgod i can vomit eating this ! =/

and this is the drip (:

didnt take much photo's tho ,
like those old ppl always say
dont take pictures in this kind of places so yeah .
that's about it . (: