Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Confession Of A Shopaholic (:

okay , and so yesterday is raptai sukan . and yes me and jo ponteng-ed school ytd .
planned to go MV with meng , and lihoe . so yeah we did . firstly i took a taxi to jo hse ,
which caused me RM30 !!! effing exp , but nvm lahs . so yeah
went to her place around2 plus reach there also 3 plus already .
reached her hse her dad suppose to fetch us but then he got work
so ngam the sister came back that time so she said she will fetch us go .
jo's cousin suppose to join us last minute can't , after that off we left to MV .
reach there about 4 already had MCD for lunch cause we were rushing time
cause our movie was at 4.30 . waited for meng and lihoe to come ,
then we went in the cinema . we watch Confession Of A Shopaholic !!
ohmygod the show was funny man . lols . so yeah .
finished movie about 6 something ngam ngam my mum reached .
so had to find my way out where my mum was waiting for me .
thanks to meng and lihoe i got out . so yeah joleen followed her sister cause she wanted go
pasar malam as what her sister said . lols . then off i went to eat at tmn tun .
then headed to DU where my tuition is . had tuition from 8.30 to 10pm .
got home was dead tired . talked to boyf on the phone for 1 hour plus i guess then off to bed (:

Pictures will be uploaded soon (:

xoxo cheryl (:

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